Tag archives: Dark

Hungry Fox

definitely a site stroll, a curiouser reveal http://abbiefoxton.com/


She feels the dreadnought.
An electric secret from the dark,
pushing her haze aside
and the cages on her heart
still as the heartbeats inside.


But her private darkness melts
like an anchor unbolted.
The exertion strobes senseless
from her every fiber on skin.


Velvet joy and swelling touch,
her world extends alluring,
loose every bond to shadow
and she feels the world pound.


Every feeling, she feels double,
passion bright white knuckle,
undoubtedly meshed  with  others,
like the ocean shoving senses offshore.


Mists of Maleficent

“a poem about maleficent”

From mists to mists, the maleficent
black like scraps
of night cast down, she swoops.
She sleeps in sharp brambles,
soaking in a darker nature
waiting for her peace to pierce.
Whistles of fresh death flush
on the song of the black bird,
claws digging into her shroud.
She listens like snow under the sun,
soaking in her darker nature;
waiting for her beauty to die.

The Unholy Saint


She feels the black,
around the sleeves
of her slender soul.
She shares images.
Black and white nights.
Her life inside.
Her planted art,
unfettered heart.
Found scattered on the internet.