Tag archives: chained

Nickelback Nightmare

Nickelback Nightmare

“A poem written from the viewpoint of a beach ball at a Nickelback concert.”

I see no sand or lazy jellies
No sticky smiles by the sandcastles.
I smell no salt or laughing splashes.


I am a beach ball out of my element
lost in a doomed concert, this nickelback nightmare.
from above, I see humanity rambling
notes scrambling, the chorus confused.


I am chained to a frenzy churning.
Their appetite like snakes insipid,
my cries sinking under wrestling waves
of sweaty crowding, bumbling fist bumps.


Now musical afterthoughts pelt me
down to the pits of human sweat.
It must be only a dream, for the dreams always end
on the bustling beach, my sandy domain.


My life distant as the dolphins
instead, these humans hold me
in this smelly lair of hair and pain.
Forever no beach to float me.