Tag archives: oil

Robot Cheney

“Dick Cheney’s Robot Heart”


He growls upon darker paths,
like a metal moss moving
to enrich a rusty madness
bringing the pitch black home.


He spears us; until we swallow gallows,
and he wafts all peace away
with every triangulated plot that
he constructs. Oily black plans.


Now, we gather patience for his grave,
waiting for his metal to rust,
but his heart beats on,
til’ the smog covers his husk.

Brink Key

“A poem about the guy who designs blowout preventers.”

I often hold the key
to opening the brink.
All despair
for the deepest seas
and the darkest terror
I shall share.
The locks I made – hold,
until the oil takes it,
and bring the black to blue
and pain and sickness.
The keys I make,
rule the world,
but if the pressure builds,
and the gates open
then- we shall hope for blue
to fight the crudest black.